3.1 Calculate: 3.3.1 √(9) (4)​

3.1 Calculate: 3.3.1 √(9) (4)​

Here are the steps to calculate [tex]3.3.1 \sqrt{9} \times 4[/tex]:

Step 1: Calculate the square root of 9:

[tex]\sqrt{9} = 3[/tex]

Step 2: Multiply the result from Step 1 by 4:

[tex]3 \times 4 = 12[/tex]

Therefore, [tex]3.3.1 \sqrt{9} \times 4 = 12[/tex].


♥️ [tex]\large{\textcolor{red}{\underline{\mathcal{SUMIT\:\:ROY\:\:(:\:\:}}}}[/tex]

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