explain the impact that the implemrntation of the Eugenics program had on the Jews in Nazi Germany from 1939 to 1945

explain the impact that the implemrntation of the Eugenics program had on the Jews in Nazi Germany from 1939 to 1945


The implementation of the Eugenics program in Nazi Germany from 1939 to 1945 had a devastating impact on the Jews. This program aimed to "cleanse" German society of supposed racial inferiorities by forced sterilization and extermination of those considered "undesirable." Jews, along with other groups such as the disabled and Romani people, were deemed unfit to breed and were targeted for extermination in gas chambers. This led to the deaths of millions of Jews in a horrific genocide known as the Holocaust. The Eugenics program reinforced Nazi ideas of racial purity and contributed to the persecution and dehumanization of the Jewish people.


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